فارسی عربي

Palestinian children astonish the world with hope

Despite Israel’s ongoing atrocities in the occupied territories, Palestinian children have always resisted their lands’ occupation with hope and prayer.

Despite Israel’s ongoing atrocities in the occupied territories, Palestinian children have always resisted their lands’ occupation with hope and prayer. They gave a new meaning to the concept of childhood in general.

Most online photos of Palestinian children convey a strong message of hope and courage to the viewers, echoing this rhetorical question that “Do you think I am afraid of you?”  These photos also show while Israel has no reservation to kill the innocent children in Palestine and destroy their houses, you can't prevent them to pray for a free Palestine.

They will continue to fight until freedom returns to them. Though the pronoun THEM has already changed to US for many people across the globe as the Palestinian cause is now stronger more than ever.

Muslims and freedom-lovers from around the world commemorate the International Quds Day every year. The late founder of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini, designated the last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan as the International Quds Day in order to open a new chapter in standing up for the Palestinian cause across the globe.

The International Quds Day falls on Friday this year. Muslim and freedom-seeking nations hold rituals and events in solidarity with the Palestinian nation.   

Read more:

Iran releases trilingual music video on Palestine

